Tuesday, January 17, 2012


#16  I have decided horses are darn hard to paint!  But by the time I achieve 50 they will surely be better!  After 100 I am certain I will have my confidence.  This is a copy of an artists painting.  I scan the web in the evening for the next victim.  I would rather paint from a photo.  I think it's real easy to screw up the horses anatomy, and I would rather trust a photo.  And yes I realize if the picture isn't taken properly it too will be incorrect.


  1. It is so difficult for me to animals and people. You are really smart concentrating on one animal. You are doing great. I have used this web tutorial. You probably have tons of info. http://vixentheangryfox.deviantart.com/art/Horse-Tutorial-Proportions-27969151. I am really enjoying your horses. xoxo

  2. The website that has the tutorial is weird. I never really looked it. First clue would have been the website name. I love this painting.


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