Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Start, scape, try again

My original plan for the day was to enlarge a painting of these 2 horses.  My friend Sherry took the photo and I actually know the people that own them.  I did a small 8 x 10 in my series of 100.  I seem to be doomed when I plan things out too much.  I even began with a sketch!  All those 8 legs were in their proper place.  I was using a knife, which I usually enjoy.  Not so much today.

I got to here and threw in the towel.  Scrapped the sucker.  The composition was awful and I was struggling with that rainbow sky idea I had.

So I wiped the canvas and turned it horizontal and began to enlarge another painting I had previously done 8 x 10.  This photo is from Jim Loves collection of wonderful landscape scenes.  I figure I'll use it as one of the paintings I submit for this 'event' that takes place NEXT year in March.  I will submit the work the end of the month.  3 - 10 pieces.  I will be lucky to have 4 or 5 finished.  It's a start.  It's on my 'bucket list'.  

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